Slovak Dental Days 2012 - 13th International Specialised Exhibition of Dental and Dentotechnical Devices, Tools and Materials - Events - Dental Tribune Czech Republic and Slovakia

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Slovak Dental Days 2012 - 13th International Specialised Exhibition of Dental and Dentotechnical Devices, Tools and Materials



The latest news in dentistry free of charge.

Událost 27 - 29 září 2012

The Slovenské dentálne dni (Slovak Dental Days) exhibition is a topranking event for experts in the area of dentistry in Slovakia. Organisers - the Association of Dental Producers and Sellers and Incheba – are the guarantee of the quality and professional preparation of the exhibition. High standard, professionalism and quality of side events is guaranteed by the Slovak Chamber of Dentists and the Slovak Dental Association. The Slovak Dental Days exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of dentistry and it has become a place of presentation of the latest products in dental sets, dental material and equipment. It is a presentation of domestic and foreign manufacturers, sellers, representatives of foreign companies and dealers offering a full range of devices, equipment and material for dental offices, dental techniques, dental hygiene products and medications as well as new collections of medical wear and furniture designed for dental workplaces.


Contact Details:

Incheba, P.l.c.
Viedenska cesta 3-7
851 01 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 6727 1111
Fax: +421 2 6241 1838

Exhibition director:
Ing. Slavomir Machala
Tel: +421 2 6727 2138
Fax: +421 2 6727 2201

Venue: Expo Arena, Bratislava

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