ParoImplant 2019 - Events - Dental Tribune Czech Republic and Slovakia

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ParoImplant 2019



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Událost 21 - 23 listopadu 2019

The Hungarian Society of Periodontology in cooperation with the Hungarian Society of Implant Dentistry is happy to announce the ParoImplant Congress, which is more and more popular region-wide every year. The congress is accredited with several internationally renowned lecturers. Since 2019 is the 10th jubilee for us, besides the regular ITI meeting and 2 days long congress, we will held 2 hands-on courses and an interactive workshop additionally this year. You can register at the website of the event. See you in November!


Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry, Education Centre
Szentkiralyi utca 47
1088 Budapest, Hungary


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